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The Ottawa Citizen - August 1, 2012
Harassment Claims the Tip of the Iceberg

Detailing the ongoing harassment problems in the RCMP and why the troubles are much deeper than the sexual harassment headlines we see in the papers.

The Hill Times - March 19, 2012
Sen. Wallin Should Stick to the Facts

Setting the record straight on what the Senate National Security and Defence Committee and it's former chair, Colin Kenny really had to say about the RCMP - and why this flies in the face of what current chair, Sen. Pamela Wallin has said about Sen. Kenny and his former Liberal commmittee colleagues.

Charlottetown Gaurdian - February 29, 2012
Invest in policing, not prisons

Discussing the government's omnibus crime legislation, bill c-10, and what it means for an already overstretched and underfunded RCMP - particularly in PEI.

Calgary Herald - February 28, 2012
Albertans Would be Better Off if Ottawa Would Invest in Cops - Not Prisons

Discussing the government's omnibus crime legislation, bill c-10, and what it means for an already overstretched and underfunded RCMP - particularly in Alberta.

Time-Colonist Victoria - February 27, 2012
British Columbians Would Be Better Off if Ottawa Would Invest in Cops – Not Prisons

Discussing the government's omnibus crime legislation, bill c-10, and what it means for an already overstretched and underfunded RCMP - particularly in British Columbia.

The Hill Times - January 30, 2012
"Vic Toews and the Politics of Control"

Detaling the breach of the arms length relationship between the RCMP and the Minister's Office and what this means for Canada's national police force.

Montreal Gazette - January 24, 2012
Canada Sells Democracy Abroad While Eroding it at Home  

Detailing Senator Kenny's communications with Commissioner Paulson and what they say about the new relationship between the RCMP and the government of the day.

Ottawa Citizen - October 10, 2011
British Columbia’s Discount Mounties.

 A comment on the ongoing provincial policing negotiations between British Columbia and the Federal government and why BC would be foolish to pass on the RCMP.

Ottawa Citizen - August 30, 2011
Give the next RCMP commissioner a chance

A discussion of some of the issues that have thwarted previous RCMP Commissioners and a break down of what needs to change in order for the incoming Commissioner to find success. 

Toronto Star - August 17, 2011
Feeding jails while police starve

Questioning the government's decision to invest in prisons and not the perennially underfunded and overworked RCMP.

Toronto Star - April 11, 2011
Why do freedom fighters yearn for locks and keys?

Outlining some the major flaws in the the government's "tough on crime" agenda.

National Post - April 4, 2011
Invest in police, not prisons

Discussing Commissioner Elliot's tenure at the RCMP and the need for funding and reform of our federal police service.

Ottawa Citizen - October 7, 2010
Save the Mounties

Analyzing the recommendations of the RCMP's Reform Implementation Council and the problems facing the Mounties now and going forward.

Ottawa Citizen - February 23, 2010
RCMP reform is heading for a brick wall

Discussing the state of the RCMP and the efforts of Commissioner Elliot to enact change.

Ottawa Citizen - April 15, 2009
In a recession, We need more police officers

Explaining how investing in more Mounties would help stem the rise in recession based crimes and work as a necessary job creation program for thousands of unemployed.

National Post - March 12, 2009
We Need People

Outlining how more soldiers and more mounties would be the most useful form of job creation by the federal government. 

Hill Times - March 24, 2008
Would a real 'law-and-order' government let RCMP crumble?

Commenting on how the ever worsening image of the Red Serge in Canada is largely a product of being overworked and underfunded by the federal government.

Red Deer Advocate - February 23, 2008
Its time to suspend the use of Tasers

Discussing how a moratorium on tasers within the RCMP would be beneficial in addressing concerns with the product, training, and policy surrounding taser use.

The Globe and Mail - July 23, 2007
Commissioner William Elliott's mission, in order to rebuild, the RCMP must get its men

Detailing our woefully understaffed RCMP, from being 25th of 29 OECD nations in police per capita, to the dismally low numbers patrolling our ports, lakes and coastlines.

Ottawa Citizen - February 14, 2006
Send in the Mounties

Challenging new PM Stephen Harper on why we need to bolster the RCMP by one-third over the next decade.


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